Help Someone
If your friend or colleague has experienced sexual assault, dating/domestic violence or stalking, here are some ways you can be supportive:
- Let them know university resources are available:
- If the survivor is a student, staff or faculty member, let them know that a campus advocate is available for confidential support and guidance. An advocate is a trained professional who can provide crisis counseling as well as explain medical, academic, legal and reporting options.
- Listen. Offer support and compassion. Be patient and try to avoid interrupting them or making statements that may be judgmental.
- Don’t ask for details about what happened or why it happened. Let survivors share what they are comfortable sharing. Avoid questions that suggest blame.
- Respect the survivor's privacy. Do not tell others about the survivor’s assault or reveal any names or details, without the survivor’s permission.
- Take care of yourself. Supporting a survivor can be a very emotional and challenging experience. CARE can also connect you to support services.
You should feel free to talk to a trusted friend or colleague. Keep in mind that managers, supervisors and certain employees such as athletic coaches, faculty advisors, teaching assistants and resident advisors are required to report to the Title IX Officer (OPHD).