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If You Choose Not to Report

If you decide not to file a formal report, campus and community resources are still available to you for counseling, housing, academic support and other needs.

On campus, CARE at the Sexual Assault Resource Center can provide immediate confidential support, explain the campus resources available and help you access those applicable to your specific situation.

Campus support services include:

  • Emotional support, including crisis intervention, long-term counseling, support groups and other resources on and off campus.
  • Academic support, including changing your academic class schedule and switching course sections.
  • Health care, such as a medical exam and help with other needs at campus health and counseling centers.
  • Housing, such as helping you obtain temporary housing or new housing.
  • Personal safety: You can consult with university police to obtain information about personal safety, and to understand your rights to physical protection, including restraining orders or a safety escort on campus at night.

Off campus, the Center for Community Solutions (CCS) provides services to victims of sexual assault, relationship violence and stalking in San Diego County.